Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev integrates education, science and industry.
KNRTU-KAI named after A.N. Tupolev provides advanced training technologies and offers highly-competitive education with a strong base for conducting scientific research and making cutting-edge inventions. Outside of the formal activities the students are involved in a sports and cultural life full of exciting events.
Our Mission
To become the unique knowledge-based center with the most favorable environment for developing education, scientific research and innovations, for raising new generations of scientists, academics and engineers capable of putting and keeping the Russian industry in a world market orbit.
Today KNRTU-KAI named after A.N. Tupolev is one of the largest technical universities of Russia.
Facts and figures
- ► 12,000 Students
- ► Alumni 110,000+
- ► 5 Academic Institutes & Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
- ► 8 Academic Buildings
- ► 3 Research Institutes
- ► 45 Departments
- ► 11 Scientific and Educational Centers
- ► 2 Academic Colleges
- ► 5 Branches
- ► 1 Engineering Boarding Lyceum
- ► 46 Laboratories
- ► University Sports Complex “KAI-OLYMP”, including Indoor Swimming Pool and Outdoor Football Stadium
Scientific Research
KNRTU-KAI is a holder of the Certificate of Compliance with international quality standards in the field of educational services and scientific research ISO 9001:2015.
KNRTU-KAI is a member of the Technical Universities Association, the Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities (ASRTU), the Consortium of Aerospace Universities of Russia, the University Alliance of the Silk Road, and the Partnership of a European Group of Aeronautics and Space Universities (PEGASUS).
An extensive network of independent but integrated engineering centers called “KAI-Park” is being created in all major activity areas of the University. Thus, the ”KAI-Nanotechnologies” engineering center is involved in developing and applying advanced nanotechnologies in machine-building. Taking into consideration that today composite technologies are essential for all industrial branches such as shipbuilding, helicopter and aircraft engineering, car- manufacturing and power, an engineering center “KAI-Composite” has been set up. The “KAI-Resource” testing center provides a wide range of special facilities for testing any section or unit of airplanes and helicopters. The specialists of the “Nano-Electronics” center are involved in developing single-wall carbon nanotubes that improve composite materials characteristics. There are plans for the creation of two more centers – “Kai-Electronics” and “Kai-Engine” where all research conducted in the field of modern nano- and micro-electronics as well as in engine-building will be focused.
“KAI-Grad” is a student campus that is being constructed in the territory of KNRTU-KAI named after A.N. Tupolev. The complex shall facilitate the effective organization of educational and training processes that meet up-to-date requirements of a research university. It will consist of 5 training and laboratory buildings with a total area of 150 thousand sq m. according to the general development plan.